Determine target group and number of potential buyers.

Based on the product description and the filters, we can estimate and extrapolate the number of potential buyers.
Potential buyers
Segment of potential buyers
My Form

What is your product or service about? Please add a description. For instance: your value proposition

Minimum 10 words are required to generate extra fields.

Germany is a federal state. Germany includes these 16 federal states. Choose if necessary.

We group people with similar sustainability preferences into clusters. These differ in their attitudes and actions with regard to sustainability. Thus, the purchase and decision criterion sustainability also has a different weighting for the respective cluster.


Entirety of persons of the same age. We do not distinguish the age groups here according to fixed annual figures but on the basis of our database base.

Residents are persons who have their permanent residence in a municipality and a country. The number you enter here is the minimum size of the municipality that should apply to the target group.

What gender should your target groups and personas be? Due to the limited availability of data, only binary genders are available.

a group of people living together in one place officially

Degree of intellectual education that someone has achieved or possesses and is officially recognized

Amount of money the household has available at least monthly. the number entered here is the minimum for your target group.

An occupation is a type of work or employment that includes tasks, education and training, typical wages, work settings, and other factors

Here you can add your own filter that describes your target group a little better. You can choose the name individually. The percentage value is then calculated proportionally to the previously selected filters.

# Filter Name Percentage Edit

Generating Persona...

Data Sources

We combine various official databases, which are individually publicly accessible. However, combining and layering them, particularly with regard to the criterion of sustainability, is only possible in this form with some effort.

Households and families, Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) | 2024 (

Ongoing Spatial Observation of the BBSR - INKAR, Edition 03/2024. ed.: Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR), Bonn (

Federal Environment Agency (2024) Grothmann, Torsten; Frick, Vivian; Harnisch, Richard; Münsch, Marlene; Kettner, Sara Elisa; Thorun, Christian, Umweltbewusstsein in Deutschland 2022 Ergebnisse einer repräsentativen Bevölkerungsumfrage | 2024 (